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(183/185) 394 - Markdown SideKick

would be nice if we had a plugin for showing a sidekick of the structure of a markdown doc, parsing at least the header lines that begin with a number of #'s.

Submitted ezust - 2019-10-30 16:13:37.941000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2019-12-05 16:57:44.459000

If you set the folding mode for markdown files to "indent", then you can sort of use the Outline sidekick. It's not very good, but maybe good enough for what you're doing?

2019-12-06 20:31:25.824000

I put a quick hack in SVN, MarkdownSidekick. It only finds header lines at the moment, but it does find both kinds, those starting with # and those that are underlined with = or -. Let me know if it's useful. I'm not sure what else would be worth having in the sidekick tree for markdown files.

2019-12-06 20:48:34.368000

Nice ! Can you make it so that the level n+1 headers are children of their level n headers in a tree structure? After that you can get rid of the # in the tree nodes.

2019-12-06 23:36:32.802000

Sure, give it a try now.

2019-12-06 23:44:05.079000

hierarchy works but if my document doesn't have hierarchy (i.e. 4 level1 titles and no children under any), it seems not to parse at all. I emailed you a test case.